Week 4 Update

The main thing I’ve done this past week was work on the 3D models posted below, using Blender. I decided to focus on getting the rough models of them done this week and put basic colors into them on some parts to determine which part is which. I wanted to get an idea of what I wanted to different objects to look like, while using some of the different thing Blender offers to make one one simple object into a desk.

The models not complete done yet, but I wanted to get a good chunk of the objects done before doing anything with the mechanics of the game. Especially with the bed model, there’s still parts with the actual models that I need to fix, but once done fixing those changes, I still need to put textures on them. The main things I need to focus on next, in regards of the 3D models, is making the models look more less rigid and more like they can be used.